Mangal Singh Champia had won the quota for India in the men’s singles recurve event last year after finishing among the top eight at the World Archery Championships in Copenhagen, Denmark. However, he and Jayanta Talukdar lost out to youngster Atanu Das at the selection trials in Bengaluru on Sunday.
Rio 2016 will be Das’ first Olympics. The 24-year-old had won the silver medal, along with Deepika Kumari, in the mixed recurve event at the recently concluded stage 3 of the Archery World Cup Stage at Antalya, Turkey. Das had also finished fourth in the individual event, after losing the bronze-medal match in a tense shoot-off.
The women’s recurve team of Deepika Kumari, L Bombayla Devi, and Laxmirani Manjhi were already selected to represent India in both the team and the individual events at Rio. However, India will not be seen in action in the men’s team event at the Olympics after the men’s recurve team failed to secure a place.
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