Mohit Kumar faced the challenge of Andhra Pradesh's Sourabh Rathi, who himself went on to break the earlier national record as he managed 6705 points, but fell two points behind Mohit. The scores collected by both the players were far more fetching than the old meet record made by Rajesh at Thenhipalam in 2016 with 6198 points. Mohit had followed Rathi before the race to earn his 5954 points as compared to Rathi’s 5959 points. At the 1500m, Mohit eventually earned 753 points with a timing of 4:28.75 seconds, while Rathi could earn 746 points in 4:29.81 seconds.
In the total nine events he played, Mohit took 11.85 seconds to clear 100m, 6.48m in the long jump, 12.24m in the shot put, 1.86m in the high jump, 52.57 seconds in the 400m dash, 15.25 seconds in the 100m hurdles, 37.94m in the discus throw, 4m in the pole vault event, 48.90m in the Javelin throw and 4:28.75 seconds in the 1500m.
The third position in the men's Decathlon was occupied by Usaid Khan from Maharashtra who made 6429 points. In the initial five events of the competition, Usaid was leading among the other opponents with his 3461 points as compared to Mohit’s 3322 points and Rathi's 3308 points. The second day, unfortunately, was disappointing for him as he was only able to accumulate only 607 points in the 1500m in 4:51.96 seconds.
Uttar Pradesh's Rahul Sharma and Josna Simov from Karnataka became the fastest man and woman of the competition respectively. Rahul claimed the gold in 100m, clocking 10.80 seconds. Following close on heels was Karan Hegiste of Maharashtra who completed the race in 10.908 seconds. The bronze was bagged by S Nehal of New Delhi who clocked 10.910 seconds.
In the 800m girl's final, Haryana's Pooja bagged the gold medal, clocking 2:10.88 seconds. The second spot was taken by Radha Chaudhary of Delhi who completed the race in 2:10.94 seconds. Bronze went to Tannu Lathar from Delhi as well, who made it in 2:12.90 seconds. Simov claimed the first position in the women's competition, making it in 12.23 seconds. Silver was claimed by Giridharani of Tamil Nadu with a time of 12.33 seconds and Bronze was taken by Kirti Bhoite of Maharashtra who took a time of 12.46 seconds.
Aparna Roy, on the other hand, managed to claim the women's 100m hurdles title, completing the race in 14.08 seconds. P Thabitha of Tamil Nadu followed her, clocking 14.10 seconds. The third position was occupied by Pratibha Kumari of Jharkhand, making it in 14.57 seconds.
Though Sandra Babu lacked in bettering her best score of 6.07m, she still managed a gold in the high jump with 5.62m. Following her were, Ambrikha Narzary of Assam with 5.56m and Manisha Mere of Odisha with 5.38m.
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