Having recovered from an ailing back injury, India’s wonder girl Hima Das is back to outdoor training at the National Institute of Sports, in Patiala. As announced earlier, the sprinter has shifted his focus from her pet 400 metres event to the 200 metres event and is gradually stepping up the workload amid the nationwide lockdown. But, the ‘Dhing Express’ is not at all bothered about the Olympics qualifications at the moment, as it will only create tension, and instead she is praying for the pandemic to end soon.
“I am not worried about [the Olympics qualification], it will only create tension. There is a year still to go for the Olympics. Let us first pray that this pandemic ends quickly. Then athletics season begins (on December 1) and there is a lot of time next year to qualify for the Olympics,” said Hima Das, to PTI.
The Athletics Federation of India (AFI) has suspended all national-level competitions till September, while the athletics season begins in December. Hima, at present, is undergoing medium intensity training and not taking too much load, with no immediate competitions in sight.
“It is in the process, but I am fit to undergo outdoor training and we have been doing that in the last 30 to 40 days,” “There are no immediate competitions and so we are neither doing low-level training nor intense. We are just doing medium intensity training,” added the athlete.
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