At the India Open throws event earlier this year, Tajinderpal Singh Toor broke the Asian Games 2022 record. Karanveer Singh (19.07m) and Naresh Antil (18.00m) won silver and bronze in the shot put, respectively. Annu Rani, participating for the very first time since the Tokyo Olympics, won the gold medal in the women's javelin throw with a score of 61.15, which qualified her for both the Asian and Commonwealth Games.
Shilpa Rani came in second with a throw of 55.72 metres, following Sanjana Choudhary's throw with a 54.19 metre effort. Sarvesh Kushare, who won men's high jump gold with 2.25m, and Komal Chandraka Jagdale, who won the women's 3000m steeplechase with a personal best of 9:47.86, were among the other athletes that exceeded AFI's Asian Games qualification requirements.
Praveen Kumar, a silver medalist in the Tokyo Paralympics, finished sixth in the men's high jump with a leap of 2.05m. Siddhanth Thingalaya, the national record holder in the 110m hurdles, beat Tarundeep Singh Bhatia (14.273 seconds) and M Krishik (14.60 seconds) to take first place.
Jyothi Yarraji took gold in the women's 100m hurdles with a time of 13.08 seconds, which was faster than Anuradha Biswal's previous national record of 13.38 seconds established in 2002. Due to tailing wind speeds above the allowed limit of +2.0m/s, Jyoti's run did not qualify as a national record. During Jyothi's run, the reading was 2.1m/s. On Sunday, Jeswin Aldrin experienced a similar fate in the men's long jump.
In the women's long jump, Asian bronze medalist Nayana James' 6.47m performance was enough to edge off teenager Ancy Sojan's 6.33m attempt to claim the first spot on the podium. Sandra Babu arrived with a bronze medal. Hima Das will participate in the women's 200m competition on Tuesday against Priya Mohan.
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