Hima Das won the 400-meter gold at the CWG in Birmingham, according to a statement over the video that was posted to Twitter by a user with the name "Pegasus." The article was taken from the 2018 U-20 World Athletics Championship in Tampere, Finland, when the Assamese athlete made history by being the first Indian to take home the trophy.
One of the victims of the deceptive video was Sehwag, who incorrectly tweeted that the sprint sensation had won gold in the 400-meter event at the Commonwealth Games before deleting it after realising his error.
What a triumph!" the cricketer tweeted before it was removed. Indian athletes are now in full force. I'd like to congratulate Himas Das for taking home the gold in the 400-meter race at the Commonwealth Games." The Alexander Stadium will host the track and field competitions beginning on August 2.
Hima is expected to participate in the 200-meter event on August 4. The competition's semifinals and championship match will happen on August 5 and 6, respectively.
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