According to the All England website and a report in Indian Express, the top men's doubles team from India, Satwiksairaj Rankireddy and Chirag Shetty will play against fellow countrymen Krishna Prasad Garaga and Vishnuvardhan Goud Panjala in the tournament's opening round. Sukamuljo withdrew from All England 2023 due to health reasons. In their previous 11 matches, Satwik and Chirag from India had never defeated the Minions.
Saina Nehwal, who won the bronze medal at the Olympics, also withdrew from the competition. She was replaced with Singapore's Yeo Jia Min despite the fact that an official explanation was not provided on the competition website.
Just two Indians have ever captured the coveted All England Championship: Prakash Padukone in 1980 and Pullela Gopichand in 2001. Prakash Nath, Saina, and Lakshya Sen, three Indians, have all almost won but lost in the final.
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