The other four Tokyo 2020 candidates are Manish Kaushik, Satish Kumar, Vikas Krishan, and Ashish Kumar, who will join the training, which began on January 3. The 63 male boxers in various weight classes, as well as 27 coaching and support workers, attended the national camp in NIS, Patiala.
Meanwhile, 57 women's boxers, including Tokyo 2020 bronze medallist Lovlina Borgohain, as well as 25 coaching and support professionals, have arrived in Delhi.
The Olympian boxers who were healing from injuries or practising at home, six of them were exempted from the previous national camp in December. They also didn't compete in the national championships in October.
The Boxing Federation of India (BFI) has requested the inclusion of the six fighters to help them prepare for the Commonwealth Games and Asian Games later this year. The recommendation was approved by the Sports Authority of India (SAI). Meanwhile, it is an important year for the Indian boxers, who will have to participate in the Commonwealth Games and Asian Games.
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