On Wednesday, six Indian pugilists will take to the ring to contest their respective tournament openers. The 2016 World Championships silver medallist Sonia Lather (57kg) will face Viktoriya Grafeyeva of Kazakhstan in her tournament opener.
Alongside Sonia, female pugilists Shvinder Singh Kaur (50kg) and Poonam (60kg) will also be in action. While Shvinder will go head-to-head against Turapbay Gulnar of Kazakhstan, Poonam will square off against Issayeva Shakhnaz of Kazakhstan.
Male pugilists Zoram Muana (51kg), Hemant Yadav (71kg) and Sanjay (80kg) will also start their respective campaigns.
The Boxing Federation of India (BFI) has sent a 16-member squad across male and female categories to compete at the tournament. Having clinched 14 medals at the previous edition of the competition, India will be determined to better their tally this time round.
The gold medallists of the tournament will be awarded with 700 USD, the silver medallists will receive 400 USD while the two boxers who will take the bronze medals will each get 200 USD.
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