Indian chess GrandMaster Baskaran Adhiban is renowned all around the world for his aggressive tactics on the chessboard. The lad from Tamil Nadu impressed during the recently concluded World Team Championship where he was awarded the first board gold medal. Adhiban entered the event with an ELO rating of 2683 but defeating beat Nils Grandelius , Parham Maghsoodloo and Bassem Amin he managed to break the coveted 2700 ELO rating barrier to join a group of 61 elite players across the globe.
In a recent interview with Scroll, the 26-year old shed some insight into his thought process ahead of any match he is scheduled to play. Adhiban revealed that the key to his success was his unquenchable desire to win every game he plays.
“It will probably take some time to get used to it [being a 2700+ player]. Because so far, I was just not focussing on it. When I wanted to really achieve it, it was just going further and further away and so when I finally forgot about it and just focussed on playing some good games, then it finally happened.
“Well, I think it depends a lot on the personality. Even when I was young, I never played for a draw… with either colour… white or black… I always wanted to win. And I think Magnus is also the same. I think the older generation is having a much harder time against us because the energy and the spirit is something they are struggling to fight against. In every event, I notice, the younger generation is taking over. The older generation also has a lot of experience and maturity but once the younger lot gets more experience, I think we will be much more dangerous,” Adhiban told reporters.
His exploits in the international circuit have earned him the nickname ‘The Beast’ and that is something that the young GM claims to add fear in the minds of his opponents.
“I was a complete underdog [at the 2017 Tata Steel Masters]. I had to win the challengers to qualify and the first question I was asked was: ‘Now, that you have qualified for the main group, how do you feel about facing such monsters?’ I said, ‘Yeah true, but I guess I will have to become a monster myself.’ That tournament went amazing [Adhiban finished third] and somehow ‘The Beast’ nickname started to stick. It’s basically to spread fear among my opponents,” Adhiban added with a laugh.
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