Afridi had said on Sunday that they had not received such love back home after receiving a warm reception from the Indian cricket fans on Sunday. However, the all-rounder’s comments received criticism from the other side of the border with former cricketers taking on Afridi and a petition being filed against him in the court. But, Sunil Gavaskar opted to back the Pakistan skipper and said that he played it smartly to win over the Indian fans.
"Emotions run high before India-Pakistan match. What Shahid said was a good way to say nice things about Indian public. The crowd at Eden will not be hostile towards Pakistan.
"If you have a hostile crowd, it can also lift your game but if you are overwhelmed by a hostile crowd, you don't play your natural game, you play into crowd hands. This is a fine way to win the Eden crowd. Having played in the IPL, he may have meant what he said," Gavaskar told NDTV.
When asked about Javed Miandad's reaction to the comments made by Afridi, Gavaskar played it down by saying that “it depends on the individuals”. Miandad had said on Monday that Afridi should be ashamed of himself for saying those comments.
"When Miandad played for Pakistan, he played with his whole heart. He gave 200 percent when he played against India. He always had that invisible Pakistan flag with him. So he was miffed with Shahid, saying nice things," the former Indian captain said.
The legendary opener also tipped India as the favourites for the World T20 by a “little bit”, with South Africa, Australia and England expected to join them in the semis.
“India are favourites by a 'little bit' to win the World T20 and going by current form, India, Australia, South Africa and England will make semis in the World T20,” opined Gavaskar.
(Take a look at our analysis on who can win the World T20 - the favorites and the dark horses)
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