Although the BCCI has confirmed that the decision to reappoint Ravi Shastri at the helm of the Indian men’s team will not be reviewed, a conflict notice was issued to all three members of the CAC. The trio was asked to reply to the charges of a possible conflict of interest to holding multiple positions by October 10. While Kapil and Shantha — who were also directors of the Indian Cricketers Association (ICA) — have resigned from the committee, Gaekwad has decided to send a formal reply in his defence.
“Since a notice has been issued to me, it is my duty to reply and I will do that in due time,” Gaekwad told Sportstar.
“When we were asked to choose the men’s team head coach, it was a one-time assignment. There was no committee formed as such. We didn’t any receive any formal letter from the CoA about the CAC," Gaekwad said.
The same trio was chosen by the BCCI to pick the Indian women’s team head coach after the ad-hoc committee’s original members Sachin Tendulkar, Sourav Ganguly, and VVS Laxman opted out. Gaekwad, who is expected to send his reply to the ethics officer in the next few days, confirmed that there was no question of stepping down.
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