Aparajith has had a lion’s share in Tamil Nadu doing really well in the ongoing Vijay Hazare Trophy. Having scored more than 400 runs already, Aparajith has also managed to contribute with his off-spin, picking up seven wickets so far. He had his career best figures of 4 for 30 in 10 overs against Railways. With team India wanting a batsman in the top six with bowling ability to have a sixth bowling option in ODIs, Aparajith with consistent performances can challenge for the spot taken by the likes of Kedar Jadhav.
“Well, that is what I want to do, to be a genuine all-rounder, and this tournament has given me more confidence that I could do it,” Aparajith told Sportstar.
He is looking to sincerely contribute with both bat and ball for his team. He was absolutely ecstatic to score a century and take wickets in the same match. After reaching the 80-run mark twice, converting it into a hundred was his goal.
“And yes, to take four wickets and score a hundred in the same match is a great feeling. It was disappointing though that I could not attend the funeral of my grandfather, who died a few days ago. I was close to him,” he said.
Aparajith is focusing on developing his bowling skills. He is willing to bowl more overs which will help him improve his line and length. “So I was prepared for longer spells,” he said. “I would be happy to keep on bowling lot more overs.”
The right-hander is feeling really good about his batting form at the moment. He knows that it is a long season and consistency is the key. “It is a long season that is in front of us. I just hope to carry this form forward,” he said.
He is well aware of the fact that to play for team India it is very imperative to score heaps of runs in domestic cricket with great consistency.
“I have to keep on working hard,” he signed off.
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