After a series of revelations about the epidemic corruption going on in the Tamil Nadu Premier League, the BCCI have reportedly started a probe and have found that bookies and match-fixers are running “the team in such a way that they make windfall gain in betting”. These bookmakers have taken control of a franchise through an illegal deal with the team owner.
According to a report by the Indian Express, there's been a “serious development” in this case taken up by BCCI’s Anti-Corruption Unit (ACU) that might dissolve the entire TNPL. The ACU is taking legal opinion on this issue and is likely to lodge an FIR with the state police in the coming days.
BCCI’s ACU chief Ajit Singh said there were “a few instances when players were approached” and it's the first such instance in a high-profile BBCCI-recognised tournament, something that has been happening in unofficial micro-T20 leagues for a long time.
“These players have informed us and we are checking who have approached them. We are taking statements asking when they were approached, under what circumstances. Usually, the messages come on WhatsApp, so we are trying to establish IDs. We haven’t questioned any team owners, yet,” said Ajit Singh, reported Indian Express.
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