For the longest time, India lacked an all-rounder who could not only give them a few overs with the ball but also knock it out of the park for some quick-fire runs. However, since Hardik Pandya’s debut, the problem has been more or less solved with the all-rounder fulfilling the needs of the team. Along with averaging 29.90 with the bat in ODI cricket, the Baroda all-rounder has also picked 54 wickets on top of that, bowling fast-medium, thus proving his credentials in both aspects.
For Pandya, though, generally, batting average is never the criteria in which he's judged thanks to him striking the ball at an SR of 115.57 in ODI cricket, having hit 69 fours and 40 sixes. Talking about Pandya’s batting exploits, leg-spinner Piyush Chawla noted that the all-rounder has grown extensively as a batsman in the last four years since his Indian debut.
“If you talk about the changes, then the Hardik Pandya that was there 4 years ago and the way he is batting in the last 2 years, there is a huge difference,” Chawla said in the latest episode of Star Sports’ Cricket Connected chat show.
From the bowling standpoint, Chawla also stated that as a bowler, it is crucial for one to prepare very well when bowling against Pandya due to the low margin of error. He also added that if the ball is slightly off-target, the Baroda all-rounder would male sure that he doesn't spare the bowler.
“As a bowler you need to prepare very well because you know that the margin of error is very small now, compared to what it was 4 years ago. If the ball is slightly off-target, whether too full or short, then he doesn’t spare you,” he added.
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