Fans in Tamil Nadu might have to wait for one whole year to witness their favourite local players outside of the Ranji Trophy in action as the 2020 edition of the Tamil Nadu Premier League (TNPL) looks all set to be cancelled due to lockdown restrictions in the state of Tamil Nadu barring outdoor sporting activity for an indefinite period.
The 2020 edition of the TNPL was set to be the fifth edition of the tournament and it was scheduled to be played between June 10 and July 12, but the unprecedented Covid-19 pandemic wave looks to have brought an abrupt end to the tournament, that was planning to introduce Salem and Coimbatore as new venues for the competition.
In an interaction with Sportstar, a senior TNCA official confirmed that the chances of the tournament happening this year look grim and expressed his disappointment over both Salem and Coimbatore’s newly-built floodlit stadiums not getting to host matches.
“We were hoping to get some relaxation after July, but now that no sporting events are allowed for another month, the window seems to have closed,” a senior TNCA official told Sportstar.
“It is unfortunate, especially considering we now have floodlights ready at Salem and Coimbatore as well which takes the total number of grounds with lights to five in the State.”
The league, which was won by Chepauk Super Gillies in 2019, was set to see the introduction of two re-branded franchises Tiruppur Tamizhans and Salem Spartans (which were previously Karaikudi Kaalai and the Tuti Patriots respectively) and the first leg of the tournament was scheduled to be played at the Sri Ramakrishna College of Arts and Science (SRCA) stadium in Coimbatore.
The draft for the 2020 edition was held in February, in which the Tamil Nadu duo of Vijay Shankar and Abhinav Mukund were picked up for the maximum price of ₹6 lakhs by the new clubs Salem Spartans and iDream Tiruppur Tamizhans respectively.
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