Earlier on Monday, Delhi Capitals announced that Amit Mishra was ruled out of the tournament, with a flexor tendon injury on his bowling hand. The leg-spinner until then, had picked up three wickets in as many games for the franchise but went down after attempting a catch against Kolkata Knight Riders. In his absence, the Capitals have capitalised on the partnership between Axar Patel and Ravichandran Ashwin, which has come good at the right moment.
However, according to TOI reports, Delhi Capitals have already picked up a replacement for the experienced spinner in the form of Praveen Dubey, a 27-year-old Karnataka spinner who’s already in the franchise’s bio-bubble. The leg-spinner first came under the limelight, with his incredible display in the 2015 edition of Karnataka Premier League, where he picked up eight wickets.
While he was picked by RCB in the 2016 IPL, for Rs 35 lakhs, the leg-spinner did not get a game for the Bangalore-based franchise before ending his two-year stint with them. Prior to the 2020 IPL, he served as the net-bowler for RCB before being picked by Delhi, who already have Axar, Ashwin, and Lalit Yadav in their unit.
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