As per a Cricbuzz report, the Pakistan Cricket Board confirmed on Friday, August 12, that they will host the England men’s and women’s team for a limited-overs series in October. The teams are expected to reach Islamabad on October 9 and will play two T20Is each at the Pindi Cricket Stadium in Rawalpindi, with the fixtures being scheduled as double-headers.
The men’s team will then leave for the T20 World Cup in the UAE, while the Eves will stay for a three-match ODI series, beginning October 19.
"We are delighted to welcome both the England men's team for what will be their first tour to Pakistan since 2005, and the England women's team, who will be touring Pakistan for the first time. Both are additional tours with England men's side scheduled to return to Pakistan in the last quarter of 2022 for white-ball and ICC World Test Championship fixtures," PCB Chief Executive Wasim Khan said.
Complete schedule:
October 13 - Pakistan Women v England Women; Pakistan Men v England Men (T20I double-header)
October 14 - Pakistan Women v England Women; Pakistan Men v England Men (T20I double-header)
October 17 - Pakistan Women v England Women, 1st ODI
October 19 - Pakistan Women v England Women, 2nd ODI
October 21 - Pakistan Women v England Women, 3rd ODI
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