As a result of BCCI's changed provisions, Mumbai added southpaw Arjun Tendulkar to their squad for the upcoming Syed Mushtaq Ali Trophy. Tendulkar was initially overlooked when the 20-man squad was picked for the T20 competition, which will be the first domestic tournament in India since COVID hit the world. Not only the 21-year-old but seamer Krutik Hanagavadi was also named in the squad as a result of BCCI's changed provisions that allowed the inclusion of 22 players in the squad.
Arjun Tendulkar has garnered a lot of interest among the cricket fans right from the onset as he's the son of India's legendary batsman, Sachin Tendulkar. He has featured in age-group tourneys for his state Mumbai. Not only that he has also been part of India's U-19 side apart from bowling in the nets to international sides. But this is the first time, he has made it to the senior squad in domestic cricket.
An MCA official asserted that the addition of the two players was a result of BCCI's changed provisions. The players will be staying inside a bio-bubble and that is considered the reason behind extended squad so that teams can manage with players in the squad in times of injuries.
“Earlier the BCCI had asked to select 20 players. But later they said that 22 players can be selected in the squad, accordingly the two players were added to the squad,” an MCA official said, reported HT.
The Syed Mushtaq Ali Trophy will commence from January 10, and it will kick start the Indian domestic cricket which was earlier delayed due to the novel Coronavirus.
The Mumbai side will be led by Suryakumar Yadav, who had a great 2020 IPL for Mumbai Indians and just a while back, scored a brilliant century in the practice game for Mumbai where he had taken Arjun Tendulkar to the cleaners hitting him for 21 runs in an over.
Mumbai are placed in Group E with teams like Delhi, Haryana, Kerala, Andhra and Puducherry.
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