Gujarat Titans won the IPL 2022 and many senior players shined in the tournament with their performance. Dinesh Karthik was one of the veteran batters who was one of the consistent run-scorers in the tournament. Karthik was bought by RCB for Rs 5.5 Crores in the mega auction. He played the role of a finisher for the team and scored 330 runs in 16 matches at a massive strike rate of over 180.
Karthik has managed to return to the national team for the upcoming T20I series against South Africa courtesy of his performance in the IPL. His teammate in the IPL, Siddharth Kaul has praised Karthik saying he has evolved as a finisher.
"I heard Dinesh Karthik talking with the coach about how RCB and himself should go along with the preparation for the IPL. It showed the results and he evolved as a finisher and hopefully, he will perform well for India too," Kaul said Cricket Mahamanch' a show made to analyze IPL on Koo App.
RCB reached the playoffs this season and finished 3rd. The team will now have to wait till next year to earn their maiden title. Kaul said that RCB will look forward to building on their good run in IPL 2022.
"We should enter the field with a positive attitude. We will definitely win the trophy in the coming season. A bowler and a player always have to believe in themselves, that is the most important thing. We must learn to accept challenges, challenges make us better.”
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