Dinesh Karthik's brilliant showing in IPL 2022 has been one of the biggest talking points in Indian cricket. The way he batted for RCB during IPL 2022 helped him in getting selected for the T20I series against South Africa. The veteran wicket-keeper batter played the finisher's role for RCB in the IPL this season and he went on to score 330 runs during the tournament with an impressive strike rate of 183.33.
The 37-year-old batter has shown unbelievable skills when it comes to finishing games but the question still remains if he will be going to Australia for the T20 world cup this year. Former Australian captain Ricky Ponting talked about the same and said that he will be surprised if Karthik is snubbed by the Indian team.
“I would have him, and I’d have him in at that five or six role. The way that he finished games for RCB this year, he took his game to another level," said Ricky Ponting while speaking to Isa Guha on The ICC Review show.
The Delhi Capitals head coach further added that you need your experienced players to win you games and if you can get that put of them then that's really good. Dinesh Karthik in his opinion helped RCB win many games in IPL 2022.
“When you look at the IPL, you want your better players to maybe be able to win two or three, maybe four games through the season. If you can get that out of them, it’s probably going to be a really good return. But Dinesh probably had a bigger impact on a lot of the games than most of the other RCB players did this year" he added.
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