Mumbai Indians won against the Gujarat Titans in what can be termed as one cracker of a game in IPL 2022. With this win, Mumbai Indians registered their second win of the tournament and handed Hardik Pandya's Gujarat Titans its third defeat of the tournament making the race to the playoffs more exciting. Rohit Sharma was the top scorer for Mumbai Indians with 48 but an impactful inning from Tim David in which he scored 44 from 21 balls helped them reach 177/6 which proved to be match-winning in the end.
Rohit Sharma and his side were absolutely ecstatic after the win as they went wild with their celebrations. The MI skipper praised his team for making sure they crossed the line and during the post-match presentation said, "It was tight towards the back end, very satisfying as we were looking for this. Luck had to turn in to our favour, we will take this with both hands."
He credited his bowlers for managing the dew well as it was difficult to grip the ball. "Dew came in, good pitch and lightning outfield meant things were in their favour, credit to our bowlers who finished the job. The boys pulled it off, which is great. We wanted to take one game at a time, we know we have not played our best cricket, but that happens. A lot of credit to the bowlers at the back end, I want the boys to come out and do what they want to do." he added.
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