Hardik Pandya was appointed captain by the Gujarat Titans for the first time in IPL 2022. The franchise was making its debut in the cash-rich league and so was Hardik Pandya as a skipper. The all-rounder had no track record of leading in any format or even at the junior level of cricket. But, the all-rounder surprised everyone with his leadership skills as he has led his side from the front and helped them become the first team to qualify for the playoffs in IPL 2022.
Former Indian cricketer Sunil Gavaskar showered rich praise on Hardik Pandya and the way that he has captained his side.
"It is very exciting to see him perform. Not just heartening, but also very exciting, because he is an exciting cricketer with the bat, the ball and on the field, he is dynamite. It’s exciting to see him back to his best," Sunil Gavaskar told Sports Today.
"His maturity every game as a captain, as a batter has been absolutely fantastic to see. The way he is handling the team, the way he is handling the situation when the team hasn’t done well and they have lost a couple of matches. When you are winning, everything looks good but when they lost, the way he spoke in the post-match ceremony, and the maturity with which he handled the questions are all terrific to see" Gavaskar added.
"Just hoping to see as the months go on towards the World Cup, he will be 100 percent, at batting, bowling, and fielding," Gavaskar concluded.
Hardik Pandya is the leading run-scorer for his side and his fans will be hoping that his team can lift the IPL trophy this year.
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