The BCCI on Monday announced India’s squad for the upcoming New Zealand and Bangladesh tour, where they will play four separate series. However, Prithvi Shaw has not found a place in any of their squads, which was quite surprising, given the fact that veterans like Rohit Sharma, Virat Kohli, and KL Rahul are set to miss the New Zealand tour. Notably, Shaw last played for India against Sri Lanka in July last year.
Shaw, 22, seemed devastated after the BCCI’s squad announcement. Soon after, he went on posting an Instagram story with a picture of Shirdi Sai Baba, captioning: “Hope you are watching everything SAI BABA.” Twitterati soon came to console Shaw, whom, in their opinion, could have easily picked.
Feel for him!
Prithvi Shaw gets emotional!
— Mufaddal Vohra (@mufaddal_vohra)
Not good enough?
We must be the greatest cricket playing nation ever if Prithvi Shaw is not good enough to get into an India squad in any of the formats, leave alone make the XI!
— Joy Bhattacharjya (@joybhattacharj)
Rajat Patidar just started to perform this year and got into the Indian squad.
— YasH (@YasH_317)
Whereas Ruturaj Gaikwad, Prithvi Shaw, Sarfaraz Khan are performing far better than him for 2-3 years, they are still not in the squad.
Don't lose hope!
Dear Prithvi Shaw and Sarfaraz Khan, don't lose hope. The world is not that bad as it currently seems.
— Aritra Mukherjee (@aritram029)
Literally joke!
Shubman Gill making the T20I squad ahead of Prithvi Shaw. The selections are literally a joke at this point.
— Med Tosby (@FourOverthrows)
What's enough then!
Could anyone tell me what guys like Sarfaraz Khan and Prithvi Shaw need to do to get a place in India’s Test and limited-overs teams’ respectively? As of now, it seems exceptional performances at the domestic level aren’t enough!
— Mohsin Kamal (@64MohsinKamal)
Chances soon
Shubman Gill over Prithvi Shaw in T20Is! Not sure what Shaw has to do to get in...
— Rohit Sankar (@imRohit_SN)
"There are guys who are performing who are already in the squad. Prithvi will get his chances soon" - Chetan Sharma
Prithvi Shaw not finding a place in any of India's T20 or ODI squad certainly shows that something is wrong.
— Devendra Pandey (@pdevendra)
He will get
Chetan Sharma said - "Selectors are in constant touch with Prithvi Shaw. He will get his due".
— CricketMAN2 (@ImTanujSingh)
Will be back!
Prithvi Shaw shouldn't lose heart. He is a brilliant cricketer and will be back stronger 🤞
— Ankur Lahoty, IIS (@Ankur_IIS)
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