During the last domestic season, Nitish Rana and Hrithik Shokeen reportedly did not talk to each other in the dressing room at Delhi. The duo went face to face on Sunday in Match 20 of IPL 2023 when Mumbai Indians (MI) went up against Kolkata Knight Riders (KKR) at Wankhede Stadium. Shokeen, aged 22, made an instant impact, as he got the wicket of the former state’s captain with the first ball of the spell.
It was shortish outside off-stump delivery by Shokeen which Rana tried to loft over mid-on after coming down the ground. However, Rana failed to time the ball properly, and it went straight to the substitute fielder Ramandeep Singh, who was placed at long-on. Rana, who was in form with the bat, was rightly not happy for losing his wicket in that manner after scoring five off 10 balls, but Shokeen, the youngster, tried to go at him to say something in order to give him a fiery send-off.
But Rana did not like what Shokeen did. He was seen uttering a disgraceful slang, which says ‘teri ma ch*d dunga.’ Suryakumar Yadav, the stand-in MI skipper, was quick to take Rana out of the way in order to stop the matter there only, but Twitterati did not hold back to react to the entire incident. In fact, many of them liked the way Rana abused Shokeen because they both are from Delhi, and they frequently do that wherever they are. For example, you can take Virat Kohli.
Seem they have history
— WPL MAHARASTRA (@WMaharastra)
Heated Words
— 👌⭐👑 (@superking1815)
Some heated words exchanged between nitish rana and Hrithik shokeen never seen him like this before
Needs to zip up!
Not surprised to see this between Nitish Rana and Hrithik Shokeen. They have a history. Don’t talk in the dressing room. It all started in the Syed Mushtaq Ali Trophy. Both weren’t talking while batting in Ranji too. Rana is a senior player and Shokeen needs to ZIP UP!
— Sahil Malhotra (@Sahil_Malhotra1)
That send off
Can say that Nitish Rana didn't like that send off from Delhi teammate Hrithik Shokeen.
— Subhayan Chakraborty (@CricSubhayan)
Few words
Delhi's Hrithik Shokeen (representing Mumbai Indians) has a few words to tell Delhi captain Nitish Rana (representing Kolkata Knight Riders). Oh the IPL!
— Sreshth Shah (@sreshthx)
Fights and abuse
Whether it's Gautam Gambhir and Virat Kohli or Nitish Rana and Hrithik Shokeen these all are from Delhi and played for Delhi cricket team but these guys indulge themselves in fights and abuse their own ones. 😭 !!
— V I S H A L (@ImVi47)
Moments got a bit heated up Nitish Rana's between Hrithik Shokeen after Nitish lost his wicket.
— bishal mandal (@bishal_181198)
Rana going crazy
Nitish Rana got crazy on Hrithik shokeen *#$*
— Adnan Patel (@adnanpatel88)
Giving mouthful
Nitish Rana giving mouthful to Hrithik Shokeen
— Rajiv Buda (@RajivBuda2)
IPL at peak!
Ipl finally at its peak, things getting heated up between hrithik shokeen and nitish rana 😳
— Piyush Khastagir (@Piuuuushhh2004)
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