Chetan Sharma submitted his resignation to BCCI secretary Jay Shah on February 17 as per a report from ANI, following a sting operation executed on him by a TV channel. Video footage was aired publically on February 14 showing the former cricketer making controversial remarks with respect to following outs between the previous President Sourav Ganguly and then-skipper Virat Kohli. Sharma went so far as to reveal a few cricketers took injections in private to be declared fit to play while BCCI was aware of the same.
"Yes, Chetan has tendered his resignation to BCCI secretary Jay Shah and his resignation has been accepted. His position had become untenable after the sting operation. He resigned voluntarily and wasn't asked to resign," a senior BCCI source told PTI.
As per Cricbuzz's BCCI sources, the revelations led to diminishing trust in the chief selector from Hardik Pandya, the T20I captain, and Rohit Sharma, the ODI, and Test skipper. Sharma was first made chief selector in December 2020 and served on an incumbent basis even when the entire panel was dissolved following India's semi-final exit in the ICC World T20. When the new panel comprising Salil Ankola, SS Das, Subroto Banerjee, and S Sharath was appointed in January, the legendary bowler was once again appointed as the chief selector. However, his resignation means the new chief selector is expected to be from amongst the four other panelists.
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