India took the driving seat in the first Test of the bilateral series against West Indies as the hosts struggled to get back on their feet. Yashasvi Jaiswal scored a century on the second day of the fixture with his strokes wearing out the West Indian bowlers gradually. However, the team had an opportunity to get the batter out after he registered his ton, only if they had used the technology available to them in a wiser manner. The team had burned all their reviews by the time the moment of truth came and that withdrew a reaction replete with agony from pacer Kemar Roach.
Roach was bowling the 103rd over of the innings and the debutant was facing the fourth ball of the over. The pacer bowled the delivery back of a length and it nipped back in beating the inside edge of the youngster. The ball crashed into the pads of Jaiswal and Roach along with his teammates made a loud appeal for the dismissal. However, the umpire declared the batter to be safe and the bowler was seen clearly disappointed with the decision.
Further, the hosts were not able to challenge the umpire’s decision as they had burned their reviews early in the day. The replays showed three reds suggesting that the batter was out and not using DRS in a clever turned out to be a fatal mistake for the hosts. The fact frustrated Roach even more and he expressed it with his visceral reaction. The Twitterati noticed the incident and they tweeted on social media to console the Caribbean pacer.
— Hitler Mishra (@HitlerMish5814)
Mumbai player and umpire making mistake is a long history. Isn't it?
— Pritom Chakraborty (@BeingPritom)
Bro the umpire is also Jaiswal's fan.
— Harshit Vijay Kumar (@Harshit_V_Kumar)
Now, after winning, no one will complain about Richard Kettleborough being the umpire.😂😂
— Hans (@HanishIrugula)
Roach has an LBW appeal on Jaiswal turned down by Umpire
— Caribbean Cricket Podcast (@CaribCricket)
We have no reviews left to use
Replays show it would have been given out on DRS
No reviews left and Yashashvi Jaiswal survives.. That was plumb..
— Anurag Sinha (@anuragsinha1992)
Umpire Richard Kettleborough said its Not Out as Kemar Roach kept pleading and pleading and pleading..
Hawkeye confirms it was out LBW!
West Indies burning all three reviews, then Kemar Roach hitting Yashasvi Jaiswal (133 off 325) in front and the umpire saying not out. Would have been out on review. Ouch
— Ben Gardner (@Ben_Wisden)
Jaiswal was lucky there. How did that Umpire didn't gave him out? Tells you why you should always keep 1 DRS as backup and not waste it.
— Aditya Saha (@Adityakrsaha)
Ahhh that’s a shocker from the umpire. Jaiswal should be gone. No reviews left for the Windies
— Met. (@AFCMet)
Umpire Richard gave a decission that is in favour of India
— Vikram (@Vikram20314080)
God what a lucky guy this jaiswal is 🤗😂
Meanwhile Kohli at the other end thinks , had it is me, I would have been given out by the umpire 😂
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