Mayank Agarwal had a horrendous IPL 2023 with the bat until Sunrisers Hyderabad’s last league match against Mumbai Indians, taking place at Wankhede Stadium on Sunday afternoon. The stylish batter, after having multiple woes, was dropped from the squad, but he was recalled to finish things off with a confidence-boosting knock. The 32-year-old did not disappoint, as his flamboyant 46-ball 83 proved to the world that he is not done yet.
The best part of his knock happened when he reached the fifty-run landmark – his first of the season – during the 13th over, bowled by Jason Behrendorff. He played a fullish delivery past the short third to reach the feat, and soon after, he took his helmet off and looked up to the sky with eyes closed. The whole SRH squad members, who were sitting in the dugout, gave him a standing ovation, albeit the Twitterati, in large numbers, thought that was not required which players usually do after getting to the three-digit mark.
This is some special day at office to Mayank!
The celebrations of Mayank Agarwal when he completed his fifty.
— CricketMAN2 (@ImTanujSingh)
That celebrations and reaction says it all.
Look how it feels when you finally live the moment!
Fifty celebration by Mayank Agarwal.
— Mufaddal Vohra (@mufaddal_vohra)
Good to watch him this way!
The celebrations of Mayank Agarwal when he completed his fifty.
— CricketMAN2 (@ImTanujSingh)
Back with big score!
Mayank Agrawal is back.
— CricketMAN2 (@ImTanujSingh)
He scored 52* runs from 32 balls against Mumbai Indians. A terrific fifty by Mayank Agarwal.
Big big moment!
Big relief for Mayank Agarwal as he finally gets his first fifty of the season.
— Avinash Kr Atish (@AtishAvinash)
Appreciate him!
Fifty by Mayank Agarwal from 32 balls, he gets his 13th IPL fifty, going good sa far.
— Resanth. (@CricResanth)
Good one today!
Fifty celebration by Mayank Agarwal.
— Chandra Shekar (@Shekar4266)
Pure emotion there!
An emotional celebration from Mayank Agarwal after his first fifty of the season.
— SAI_0605 (@nlokeshsai)
kannadiga Mayank Agarwal helping to Qualify🤗😍
— Boss_Roberrt//ᵏᵃᵃᵗᵉʳᵃ (@BossHere5143)
Once a Rcbian always a Rcbian!
RCB Blood Hw The Great Mayank Agarwal
— Kashyap Khira (@Viratianforev)
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