FC Pune City CEO Gaurav Modwel said, “Rahul is first son-of-the-soil Maharashtra player we have on board. Besides being a strong defender, he impressed one and all with his long throws creating attacking opportunities in last ISL. We are thankful to East Bengal for allowing Rahul to continue his development with our club and he will surely be an asset to us.”
Bheke represented Kerala Blasters in 2015 season of ISL. The 25-year old started his professional career with Air India in 2011 after a stint with U-19 squad of Mahindra United. The Mumbai lad signed up with Mumbai Tigers in January 2014 after Air India was expelled from I-League. After two seasons with his home-town team, he was snapped by East Bengal in 2015.
Head coach Antonio Habas said, “Rahul is the one of those young talents in the ISL who has impressed me with his defensive skills. Also he is one of the most featured Indian outfield players playing in the ISL last season, which means he was crucial in the scheme of things at his former club. I hope he continues to show the same commitment and grows to become a better player with us.
Bheke was excited with this new development. “It’s good to represent a team from your own state. With coach Habas at helm of things, I am excited to be a part of this club and hope to contribute as much as I can to take the club to its ultimate goal,” said Bheke.
Co-owner and Bollywood star Hrithik Roshan welcomed the addition of the defender. “I wish Bheke all the best and welcome him to the FCPC family. He is incredibly fit and his addition to the squad will be truly invaluable for us.”
Report Courtesy: © FC Pune City Media
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