Bajaj has penned a letter to All India Football Federation officials asking them to shift the venue of their next I-League tie against Real Kashmir FC which was slated be played in Srinagar. As per the previous schedule, Minerva Punjab FC are scheduled to play Real Kashmir FC on February 18 at the TRC Turf Ground in the Jammu and Kashmir capital.
"We have written to the AIFF requesting them to shift the game from Srinagar. My team jersey has the line written 'We Salute Indian Army'. A game of football is nothing compared to what has happened last evening. We are willing to forfeit the game if it is not moved out. I am sure the people will stand by us and really three points don't matter under the circumstances," Minerva Punjab FC owner Ranjit Bajaj told PTI.
An explosive-laden SUV rammed into one of the buses in the CRPF convoy at Awantipora town in the Pulwama district on Thursday, and thus creating the biggest terror strike in the state in three decades. Hence, the Punjab-based club also issued a statement and explained the security concerns that the team harboured. Real Kashmir are currently placed second on the points table behind Chennai City FC, while defending champions Minerva have only managed average results this season.
"We regret to inform you that due to current instability and volatility in the region, we request you to please defer the I-League fixture against Real Kashmir or have it held at a neutral venue," the club said in a statement.
Meanwhile, I-League CEO Sunando Dhar said that the AIFF will consider the feedback from the local authorities in Srinagar before taking a final call on the matter at hand.
"We will see what the local authorities have to say. We will go ahead with the match if the local authorities give us a positive feedback. As of now, it is on, and shifting remains the last resort," Dhar told PTI reporters.
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