Earlier this year, the English footballer posted a video on Snapchat that showed him wearing a face mask in an airport lounge, before he focused his camera on an Asian man, following which he zoomed in on a bottle of antiseptic hand wash. After his video went viral, Dele Alli quickly deleted it realising that it might upset people around the world, however, he accused a friend of betraying him and releasing the video. The footballer apologized for the incident and stated it as an extremely poorly judged joke about the coronavirus that has now claimed the lives of millions around the world.
"In response to the FA decision, I would like to apologise again for any offence caused by my behaviour. It was an extremely poorly judged joke about a virus that has now affected us more than we could ever have imagined,” said Dele Alli, as reported by BBC.
"I'm grateful that the FA has confirmed that my actions were not racist because I despise racism of any kind. We all need to be mindful of the words and actions we use and how they can be perceived by others,” added the Tottenham Hotspur star.
Apart from the one-match ban, Alli has been imposed a fine of £50,000 and has been ordered to undertake an education course. Meanwhile, the Covid-19 pandemic has already taken the lives of over 41,000 in the UK alone, with a count of more than 4, 14,000 worldwide.
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