It was only a few days ago that players from Chennai City FC and East Bengal FC has approached the All India Football Federation (AIFF) for the non-payment of their salaries, after both the clubs terminated the contracts of all their players citing ‘force majeure.’ As per the latest developments, players of Mohun Bagan have threatened to seek the apex body’s help for non-payments of salaries. The club, on the other hand, has stated it would pay the salaries as soon as the lockdown ends.
“We will pay their entire salary, we have asked them to wait as the payments are affected by the lockdown. We have written to them saying there is cost-cutting across the world. But we are not saying that we would cut their salary too. Some of our sponsors based in Mumbai and Delhi have not been able to operate so the salary is affected,” said Mohun Bagan general secretary Srinjoy Bose.
“We just managed to pay one month’s salary to the foreigners by borrowing money from another source. All the payments would be cleared once the lockdown is eased,” added the official.
Mohun Bagan won the I-League title with four matches to spare, but haven’t received the prize money yet. The club has announced that the players would be paid their incentives once the money is transferred from the AIFF.
“As for the incentive, we will pay it from the prize money and it will come later only,” stated Bose.
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