In the ongoing five-match series between India and South Korea, the visitors took an unassailable 3-1 lead after registering a win in the fourth encounter. India started to put the pressure on the Korean defense right from the start which got them a penalty corner as early as the 2nd minute and Gurjit Kaur successfully opened India’s goal tally. After just two minutes, the host had a chance to equalize with a penalty corner of their own but their effort went well wide of the goal. The Koreans kept the pressure on and had a great chance to level the score in the 10th minute but the Indian stop stopper Swati was upto the challenge.
After defending well enough to keep the hosts at arm's length, India had a chance to double their advantage as they won a penalty corner of their own in the 14th minute. And just as Gurjit Kaur had done, Deepika converted it into a goal and put India in a strong position at the end of the first quarter. In the second quarter of the game, both teams were looking for a chance and the players were seemed fighting for the possession in the midfield which meant that the goalkeepers didn't have too much to do.
Even in the third quarter of the game, the story was pretty much the same as the second one with the hosts struggling to open their account. But with Korea needing a win to stay alive in the series and India a win away from securing the series, the game still had a competitive edge to it.
In the search of the third goal, India showed a perfect team effort at the start of the fourth quarter which included some clean precise passing and skillful play as Vandana Katariya’s in-field pass was put into the back of the net by Poonam Rani in the 47th minute of the clash. With the help of the goal, India seemed on a commanding position and even though the Koreans pulled on back through Mi Hyun Park, India had already secured the series.
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