According to the publication, SAI and Hockey India officials met on Tuesday and they have reached a final decision regarding the appointment of the new chief coach of the Indian men’s hockey team. The post has been vacant ever since Harendra Singh was asked to step down by the board after India’s exit from the last World Cup at the quarter-final stage. The 54-year-old Australian is likely to get an appointment as early as the next couple of days.
However, the official announcement about the new coach will be made only after the Union Sports Ministry’s approval in this regard. Reid’s name has been forwarded to the ministry along with the names of other contenders - Warren Birmingham, Brent Livermore and Jay Stacy (all Australians). The ministry might just take a look at the other candidates’ credentials before the final announcement.
There was a lot of speculation over Reid’s appointment since he left the post of head coach of Amsterdam Hockey Club (AHC) a few days ago. As per the report, Reid has no issues with the terms and conditions of the contract by the sports authority and his monthly salary could range between $12,000-$15,000.
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