Pune dominated the initial minutes of the match, thwarting Siddharth Desai’s raids while Nitin Tomar picked up valuable raid points at the other end. But Titans’ defender Vishal Bhardwaj sparked off a series of Super Tackles, supported by his teammates Abozar Mighani and Amit Kumar, to keep the Titans in the game. The Telugu team produced 5 Super Tackles in the first half as Vishal Bhardwaj raced to a High 5 but the defensive masterclass was not enough to prevent an All-Out in the final minute of the half which ended 17-14 in favour of the Pune side.
Siddharth Desai started the second half picking four points in his first four raids of the half but the team struggled. Sadly for Titans, the defenders couldn’t replicate their first half form, with Vishal Bhardwaj making a mistake on an ankle hold that allowed Pune’s Manjeet to escape with a 4-point Super Raid four minutes after the restart. The move allowed Pune to open up a 6-point lead which they went on to hold firmly. Pune continued to dominate the second half with their performance and discounted the Titans’ efforts from a comeback. Balasaheb Jadhav, who has certainly been Pune’s find of the season, came in the second half to solidify the defence while Manjeet and Nitin Tomar took care of the raiding duties. Nitin Tomar reached a prolific milestone of 400 Pro Kabaddi points towards latter stages of the match.
Nitin Tomar (8 points) and Manjeet (9 points) were in the points for Anup Kumar coached Pune side, despite a good defensive display by the Titans as they jumped the Telugu side to occupy the tenth place in the points table.
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