Salim Khan, father of Salman Khan, defended his son on Twitter when Milkha Singh questioned his appointment as the ambassador. On Monday, he tweeted, "Milkhaji it is not Bollywood it is the Indian Film Industry and that too the largest in the world. The same industry which resurrected you from fading away in oblivion."
Salim's comments did not go down well with Milkha Singh, and when Times Now news channel asked him to respond to those comments, he said, "Let him (Salim) have his views. I don't have anything to say regarding this. I have already put in my views. All the members of the Olympic contingent are our ambassadors.
"The IOA should have thought of what's the need of the ambassador. I'm saying that the team who all are going whether it is shooting, wrestling, boxing or athletics, they all are our ambassadors. Out of 120 crore people in India, they have been our ambassador then what is the need of any other ambassador?
"It doesn't make sense to appoint someone in this role. If an ambassador is required, we have many great sportspersons, like Sachin Tendulkar, P.T. Usha, Ajitpal Singh, Rajyavardhan Singh Rathore," the Asian Games Gold medallist opined.
The former field sprinter said that Bollywood has not done him any favour by making a movie on him. He said, "It's okay they have made a film on me. I don't think that the movie industry has made a favour to me by making a film on my life.
"If they have any function, will they put any sportsmen as their chairman or ambassador? I gave my story for Re.1 and it is not a little thing. The movie made crores.
"If Salman Khan's father is saying that Milkha Singh has said anything wrong, then I don't agree to it, because the entire nation is saying that I am right and they are with me".
Meanwhile, actor and BJP MP Kirron Kher has come out in support of Salman Khan claiming that it is not mandatory for an ambassador to be a sportsman.
"It is a very good decision. I am very proud of Salman Khan. All people who are trying to say that only a sportsman should be appointed as an ambassador, I would like to differ from them," Kirron said at the Dadasaheb Phalke Excellence Awards event here.
"Any eminent personality who inspires us can be a brand ambassador.
"I would request the sports fraternity to be more magnanimous. Be a good-hearted person and give Salman his due respect. We actors are also hard workers and give our best," Kirron was quoted as saying by Zee News.
Bollywood actress Katrina Kaif made a more tongue-in-cheek comment when asked about her opinion on this matter, She asked, “A controversy with Salman, is it a new thing?”.
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