The Board of Control for Cricket in India (BCCI) has announced a change of venue for the match between Delhi Capitals and Rajasthan Royals which is set to take place on April 22. Earlier, the game was supposed to be played in the MCA stadium in Pune but because of the rise in coronavirus cases within the Delhi Capitals team BCCI has taken the decision to change the venue.
The decision about changing the venue is a precautionary move as Delhi Capitals batter Tim Seifert tested positive for covid-19. The player tested positive after an RT-PCR test was conducted on Wednesday which came positive for him according to the press release.
"The entire Delhi Capitals contingent underwent 2 rounds of COVID testing today. Match No. 32 involving Delhi Capitals and Punjab Kings scheduled today at Brabourne – CCI will go ahead as per the schedule after the second round of COVID tests returned negative today," BCCI stated through a press release.
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