Indian tennis ace, Prajnesh Gunneswaran, recently achieved a career-best ATP ranking of 104 after some dominant performances on the tennis court in recent weeks. After winning the Bengaluru Open two weeks ago, Prajnesh ended up as runner-up in the Pune Challenger on the weekend following his loss to Sweden’s Elias Ymer in the final.
However, the 29-year old revealed that he will not participate in the wild card play-off for the upcoming Australian Open which is scheduled to be held in Zhuhai, China, from Tuesday onwards. Technically, Prajnesh may not be eligible to compete in the play-off as players ranked 105 and further alone would be allowed entry into the event.
“I have a slight abdomen strain. I have chosen not to push it any further as I want to prepare for 2019. When the cut-off for Australian Open comes next week, my ranking will be around 110. So, I will not get a direct entry into the Australian Open,” Prajnesh told The Hindu.
It has been an eventful year so far for the Chennai-born tennis ace, from winning the live fifth rubber against Yibing Wu of China in the Davis Cup to winning two Challenger titles in Anning and Bengaluru to winning the Asiad bronze. This season has seen the veteran step it up with an attacking style of play, rather than struggling to hit back from the back.
“I am in a good position to push my ranking up. I have the whole of December to train. I think there are a lot of positives from the 2018 season. It is easy for me to have a lot of motivation as I have made a big jump,” said Prajnesh.
Arjun Kadhe and Sidharth Rawat have gained entry into the main draw of the Australian Open wild cardplay-off as per the latest list released on Monday. Among the women, Y. Pranjala will aim to secure a spot in the main draw for the ATP season opener.
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