Prajnesh Gunneswaran opened his account at the ongoing ATP Los Cabos event with a battling win against Australian rival - John Millman. The Indian ace started off in bright fashion winning the first set a 6-4, but lost focus as he dropped the second set 1-6.
However, he bounced back in style winning the deciding set 6-2, beating his Australian opponent in a match that lasted for a total of one hour and 49 minutes on Monday. Prajnesh converted five of the 16 break points he earned while also saving three of the seven chances on his own serve.
Prajnesh could next take on number 28 Taylor Fritz, who recently won his maiden ATP Tour title in Eastbourne on the grass. The 21-year old American will face off against German qualifier Dominik Koeofer.
Meanwhile, the Indian men's doubles pair of Jeevan Nedunchezhiyan and Purav Raja lost the first match by a scoreline of 3-6, 3-6 to Lucas Pouille and Gregoire Barrere.
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