India’s top-ranked female tennis player, Ankita Raina, sealed a spot in the quarter-finals of the ongoing $60,000 ITF event in Luan, China. Raina, who is seeded second in the tournament, defeated Yue Yuan in straight sets by a comfortable margin of 6-2, 6-3 in the second round of the women’s singles category to progress to the quarters where she will meet Eudice Chong. However, the Indian star bowed out in the doubles category along with her partner Akiko Omae who were beaten by Siqi Cao and Fang Ying Xun by a 2-6, 6-3 scoreline.
At the Busan Challenger in South Korea, Vishnu Vardhan along with his partner Toshihide Matsui made it to the semi-finals as they outplayed fourth seeds N Sriram Balaji and Jonathan Erlich in the quarter-final. The unseeded pair won by a scoreline of 6-4, 7-5.
Meanwhile, Prarthana Thombare and partner Nao Hibino lost their doubles match at the $80,000 ITF event in France by a margin of 3-6, 1-6 to Akgul Amanmuradova and Ekaterine Gorgodze.
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