Indian tennis player Saketh Myneni has secured a berth in the semi-finals of the ongoing Jerusalem Challenger tennis competition after beating local boy Edan Leshem in straight sets on Friday. Myneni has beaten Leshesm by a margin of 6-4, 6-3 in a match that went on for an hour and 19 minutes. Earlier, Myneni had got the better of Andrea Vavassori of Italy 7-6(4), 6-3 in the second round after a bye in the first round of the tournament.
However, it was a heartbreak for Sasikumar Mukund who put up a strong fight against Canada’s Filip Peliwo in the quarters. Mukund went down fighting by a scoreline of 2-6, 7-6, 6-7 in a match that lasted for almost two and a half hours. Kumar, who had also received a bye in the first round, had earlier registered a 6-1, 6-4 victory over Gonzalo Escobar of Ecuador in round two. Myneni will now face Peliwo in semi-final match of the $54,160 Challenger tennis tournament on Saturday.
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