Sumit Nagal, who featured in the 2020 Tokyo Olympics, has surprisingly pulled his name out of the Indian squad for the upcoming Davis Cup World Cup group stage match against Finland. In fact, he decided to skip the tournament on his doctor’s advice, who instructed the Tennis star not to play on hard courts, owing to his hip injury. However, his name was present on the entry list of the Pekao Challenge, a tournament beginning on September 13.
Incidentally, even after he reported AITA regarding his hip injury, Nagal had played at the Como Challenger (August last week) as well as the Banja Luka Challenger (this week). Both of the tournaments were played on clay court. To make things worse, Sasikumar Mukund will also miss out on the upcoming meet.
The lack of top-players did not go down well with the Indian captain Rohit Rajpal, who is disappointed with the fact that they are without their three top singles player. He even stated that Finland are a very strong side, with a top-100 ranked player in the squad as well.
“I’m here in Finland without three of my best singles players. There’s no Yuki Bhambri, Nagal and Mukund,” said skipper Rohit Rajpal, as reported by New Indian Express.
“They (Finland) are a very strong side. They do have one top-100 singles player. Apart from that, they have Henri Kontinen, who is a former World No 1 in doubles. So it’s going to be a tough test, no doubts about it,” he added.
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