In the doubles event, though, the 34-year-old former Asian Games gold medalist is still alive. He'll be paired with Ramkumar Ramanathan, who won the Maharashtra Open 2022 with Rohan Bopanna recently. In the round of 16, Myneni and Ramanathan will face Toshihide Matsui and Markos Kalovelonis, who were seeded third in the competition.
Meanwhile, Arjun Khade was the only Indian to advance from the qualifying to the singles main draw. He qualified for the main draw after defeating Alexander Erler of Austria 6-3, 6-4 in the qualifying round. Arjun Khade defeated Johan Nikles of Switzerland 6-4, 6-4 earlier in the first round.
Arjun Khade, who was eliminated in the first round of the Maharashtra Open 2022 by eventual champion Joao Sousa last week, will play Turkey's Altug Celikbilek on Tuesday.
Mukund Sasikumar, on the other hand, was eliminated after losing 6-3, 6-2 against Borna Gojo of Croatia in the second round of qualifying. In the first round of the qualifications, Sasikumar beat fellow countryman Adil Kalyanpur.
On Tuesday, top-ranked Indian singles players Ramkumar Ramanathan and Prajnesh Gunneswaran will compete in the inaugural Bengaluru Open 2022. On February 13, the finals will be held.
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