With the shameful murder incident revolving around two-time Olympics medallist Sushil Kumar yet to fade out, Indian wrestling was struck with fresh assault. Sumit Malik, who was set to feature in the men’s 125kg category at the 2021 Tokyo Olympics, has failed a dope test conducted by the WWF (World Wrestling Federation).
The grappler has been handed a ban of six months, until December 2021, while he is also set to miss the Olympics. To make things worse for India, the nation lost a quota for the mega-event and would not be able to field a replacement in the men’s 125kkg category. Malik made the Tokyo cut during the World Olympic Qualifiers, earlier this year.
The banned performance-enhancing substance detected in his urine was 5-methylhexan-2-amine (1,4-dimethylpentylamine), also known as methylhexanamine, which falls under the category of ‘specified’ substance. To pile on the misery, the WWF is likely to impose a fine of Rs 16 lakh on the WFI (Wrestling Federation of India), which the government could extract from Sumit. If he fails to pay the amount, the wrestler can be handed a life ban by WFI.
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