As per a report in the Indian Express, the 17-year-old has just given a new statement to a magistrate under Section 164 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, which will be admissible as evidence in court. Now the court must decide if the case must go on.
Earlier, the minor had filed an FIR stating that Brij Bhushan Singh had touched her inappropriately, while posing for a picture, and stalking. She had also testified in front of the magistrate on May 10 and had described in detail what had happened. Singh was thus charged under the POCSO Act.
The wrestlers for now, have gone for to their jobs and will take a decision on the next step on June 9. After being stopped to march towards the new Parliament, they were detained by the police. Post that, they went to Haridwar to immerse their medals in Ganga, and were stopped by Rakesh Tikait.
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