The Board of Control for Cricket in India released details of payments made above Rs. 25 lakhs on their official website, and Shami was paid Rs. 2,23,12,500.00 for "Loss of pay for IPL season 2015 due to injury."
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Shami had played in the Test series down under, against Australia, and the 2015 World Cup in Australia and New Zealand, battling pain. He was a key member of the squad that reached the semi-finals of the World Cup. He led a bowling line-up that picked 77 out of 80 wickets possible in their campaign, and Shami picked 17 wickets himself.
This put him in the top-5 bowlers of the World Cup. Shami is currently on the tour of the West Indies with the national Test team and picked one wicket in the first warm-up game against West Indies Cricket Board President’s XI.
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The decision to play through pain had its after-effects, and Shami had to undergo surgery, having to miss the IPL season. Among the parties compensated were Javagal Srinath, Test centres Mumbai CA, CAB, Tamil Nadu CA. Nike was also paid above 90 lakhs as “Supply for Zonal Cricket Accademy”.
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