Two matches - Maharashtra vs Uttar Pradesh and Punjab vs Odisha - were scheduled to be played at the Sangramsinh Gaekwad Sports Academy and Gujarat State Fertilizer Corporation Ground in Vadodara respectively on Thursday, but incessant rains in the state of Gujarat meant that both games were abandoned without a single ball being bowled. These results now take the tally of abandoned matches in Vadodara to a staggering 22, with the contest between Odisha and Himachal Pradesh on Wednesday being the only match to have had a result in the city.
Maharashtra, Uttar Pradesh, Punjab and Odisha have now had a total of 11 matches washed out in total, with the former two teams absurdly yet to have played a single completed match in this season so far. With Friday set to be a rest day for Elite Group A and Elite Group B teams, Vadodara is set to host three more matches again on Saturday, but it remains to be seen if there will be any play at all, especially with the forecast for the weekend not being too great.
With weather playing spoilsport more often than not, teams have had a nightmarish, stop-start start to the season and would be humongously disappointed knowing that this was supposed to be a golden opportunity for them to fine-tune their line-ups ahead of the all-important Ranji Trophy which is scheduled to start in December.
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