The Indian cricket team will take on South Africa in the five-match T20I series from June 9 with the first game scheduled to take place in Delhi. The series will see the return of Hardik Pandya who had been out of action from international cricket since November. Pandya’s performances in the IPL have earned him rich praise and he will be eager to do well for the country once again.
Former India head coach Ravi Shastri talked about Hardik Pandya’s return and insists that the all-rounder should only play T20Is for now. “He will walk back into that squad for me either as a batter or as an all-rounder. I don't think he is that badly injured where he cannot bowl you two overs. He has had ample rest and he will continue to have ample rest because that's the only format he should play going into the World Cup. They shouldn't take the risk of making him play ODI cricket,” said Ravi Shastri in Star Sports' Game Plan.
Ravi Shastri further explained why Hardik Pandya is such an important part of the Indian team.
“Massive, he does the job for two players. A Hardik Pandya playing just as a batter would mean he has to bat in the top four or five but Hardik Pandya playing as an all-rounder, he can bat at five, six or four and still bowl those two-three overs for you,” he added.
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